The History of the Staple Goods Project

by Dr. Ridgely and Sister Anne Mu’min  11/4/18

Praise be to Allah, we are in our 7th year of the Staple Goods Project. We began in 2011 after the Ministry of Agriculture members read and discussed “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 2” which was published in 2010. We had a problem with moving products from Muhammad Farms to our various Mosques and Study Groups. The problem became more acute after Minister Farrakhan agreed with plans to purchase our own Flour Mill instead of driving trailers loaded with wheat berries to be ground 70 miles away to someone else’s mill.

The purchase of our own flour mill enabled us to greatly increase our production capacity, but  we still could not get the product shipped because the people who wanted the product were spread all over the country and the shipping costs for a 40 lb case of flour was $70 alone or twice the product cost.

We realized our mistake after studying how the Jews came to America to seek a cheaper source of raw cotton to supply the European market for cotton clothing and linen which they dominated. The Jews controlled the market for the finished product and wanted to get cotton cheaper than they had to pay Egypt and India. So they killed the Native Americans, took their land and went to Africa to procure slaves for the cotton plantations that they either owned or financed their lucrative operations.

We discovered that we could ship our non-perishable products across country reasonably cheap if it was shipped on pallets weighing between 500 and 1300 pounds. However, there were no individual customers or even cities that wanted 500 lbs of wheat flour at one time. Added to this was Minister Farrakhan’s warning that we should have enough food and water stored in our homes for our families to survive for 3 months without coming outside in case of disasters or anarchy during the “Fall of America.” So the Ministry of Agriculture decided to offer the believers additional products needed in a food survival kit to surround our Whole Wheat flour that would bring the total shipment weight to 500+ lbs. So we added Navy Beans, Red Beans, Red Lentils, Brown Lentils, Brown Rice, Natural Sugar, Sea Salt and Honey. We later added Natural Soap, Seasonings, Cream of Whole Wheat, Muffin Mix, Applesauce, Freeze Dried Navy Bean Soup and Non-GMO Vegetable Seeds.

So we thank the NOI Research department for the publishing of “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, Vo. 2”. This book showed how industrious Jews took control of the market for their manufactured or processed products all the way to the final consumer, then get the raw materials or if necessary mine or grow those raw materials. Get your money before you work.

Since 2011 we have been striving to get the word to believers about the Staple Goods Project. In cities like Washington, DC; Oakland, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Dallas and Houston,TX, Cleveland, OH, Memphis, TN, Boston, MA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, ILL, and Detroit, MI, they have consistently purchased one or more pallets of products from the Staple Goods Project each of the 16 cycles over the last 7 years. They also have active representatives for the Ministry of Agriculture, one of the 9 ministries authorized by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. These representatives along with some other 30 to 40 cities participate in a weekly conference call for the Ministry of Agriculture where updates on Muhammad Farms and Staple Goods Project are given.

All the active members of the Ministry of Agriculture agreed to a pricing schedule for the products so that all participants from Massachusetts to Florida to California would pay the same price for the products, which includes shipping costs to their respective cities. A decision made from adopting the “Cooperative Corporation” philosophy.

Some of the goals for this type of cooperative economic system includes: 1. Participants are learning the process of bulk purchasing and cross country distribution, 2. They are learning the inner workings of national production, manufacturing and distribution systems, 3. They are learning and practicing principles of cooperative economics, 4. Collective decision making, 5. Group investing and operational unity.

To date the Staple Goods Project Cooperative Corporation, through its encouragement of believers developing businesses, we have 5 products in the line of Staple Goods being produced by believers. We have also funded the establishment of 2 businesses for believers who purchase inputs for their businesses from the Staple Goods Project and Muhammad Farms.

Nation building is not, as some of our detractors say “a pipe dream”, but it does require constant work in a collective manner.

Understanding The Staple Goods Process

Read this explanation of the process, provided by New York’s City Coordinator, Brother Barry Muhammad, July 2020

“As-Salaam Alaikum. Hope all is well with you and family. Thank you for your Support of the Staple Goods Project. Since 2011 The Ministry of Agriculture has been successful in providing dry goods as well as other products on average twice a year to over 70 cities throughout the country and parts of the Caribbean. Staple Goods 19 features 19 products some produced by the Farm, Believers, and Black owned companies.


Informing Believers and Community what products are available, ordering, collecting funds and sending them to the Farm are the steps each city has to go through. Dr. Ridgely and Sister Anne, after receiving funds from all participants, produce and order all products. When the ordered products arrive at the Farm, they have to be unloaded stored and packaged to be shipped to all participating cities. By the Grace of Allah nearly a quarter million pounds of food will be distributed this Staple Goods Project. If all goes according to schedule, it can take a month and a half to two months to have products in your city. In the different phases of this process there are delays. Products are shipped out to cities in the order funds are received. Out of approximately 75 cities participating in Staple Goods 19, New York will be around 66th to receive products from the Farm.

Thank you for your support and patience.“

Our Valuable Staple Goods Project

The Staple Goods Purchase Project (SGP), established in 2011, through the National Ministry of Agriculture continually confirms that what we are doing and continue to do in the way we do it, through all of our MOA struggles, is by far and on its scale, a process of systematic organization that is in no way easily duplicated! We have nearly 20 products that we move bi-annually to nearly 100 cities across our Nation! Those looking from the outside who believe that what we do in the SGP, to the degree that it is done can be “easily duplicated”, don’t have a proper view and the mindset at this time, of the magnitude and value of what has been accomplished and continues to operate. Nor the desire to even conduct business in a “cooperative” manner! Freedom, Justice, and Equality are in the cooperative model Dr. Ridgely and Sister Anne have set up for the Staple Goods Project! 

This current pandemic has shined an undeniable light on the Staple Goods Project and who doesn’t want to stand in the light during darkness? The SGP, by Allah’s Grace and Permission has operated without ceasing (no quiet closings), for almost a decade! We are an example of success, the current standard of food (and sundry) distribution in our Nation. That’s the reality! Some will strive and work to duplicate this cooperative model for the benefit of our growing nation, while yes, the opposers will work from other motivations. All we have to do, is continue working and growing as we are, for the continued Success of the SGP, the MOA, and “Developing a Post Yakub Economy”.

We are ever thankful for the works and sacrifices, Dr. Ridgely and Sister Anne have made and continue to make in guiding us in the Ministry of Agriculture. May Allah Continue to Bless our efforts with Success!

Albany, GA Staple Goods Coordinator – Sister Majeedah Muhammad, April 2020

SG18B – Emergency Navy Beans Distribution

March 24 – May 6, 2020

Staple Goods 18B was a huge success! Let’s applaud the work of the following Coordinators in their cities: Sister Andrea Muhammad of St. Louis, MO 9,000 lbs.  Brother Kevin Muhammad of Los Angeles, CA purchasing 11,000 lbs, Sister Gena Muhammad of Philadelphia, PA 7,000 lbs. Brother Terrence Muhammad of Phoenix, AZ 11,000 lbs. Sister Monica Muhammad of Memphis, TN 8,000. To hear how they were able to accomplish such a great feat in a short amount of time, check out their story on BlogTalkRadio.com/TimeToLeave. For direct link to Episodes, click below.

Allahu Akbar!


SG Palet

Serving The U.S., Bermuda
and St. Croix

From the West Coast

…to the East

AND during a pandemic!