We always hear the term “raw milk”. Well have you ever wondered what raw milk is and what is so great about it? When the milk is taken straight from the cow without undergoing any type of processing it is called raw milk. A study in England stated that those who drink raw milk are less susceptible to allergies or asthma because the bacteria in raw milk can help to build and strengthen the immune system. Raw milk contains a variety of beneficial nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2 and also contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc to name just a few.
“Milk Pasteurization and Boiling”
There is a difference between pasteurizing milk and boiling milk. The temperature of milk pasteurization never reaches a boiling point, while boiling the milk exceeds 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pasteurizing Milk
Materials Needed: Raw Milk, Stovetop, Water, Glass milk bottles, Kitchen thermometer, Double boiler (or two stainless steel pots that fit one inside the other).
1. Add the milk to the pot. If you don’t have access to a double boiler, place the pot of milk into a larger pot of boiling water.
2. Stirring the milk occasionally, slowly heat the milk to 145 degrees F using your kitchen thermometer.
3. Maintain the temperature of 145 degrees F for precisely 30 minutes. Be mindful of the heat wth your themometer. You may need to adjust the heat throughout the 30 minutes to ensure the temperature is constant.
4. After 30 minutes, remove the milk from the heat source and place it in a sink filled with ice cold water. Stir the milk constantly until it reaches the temperature of 40 degrees F.
5. You’re done! Store your home pasteurized milk in your refrigerator and enjoy!
Boiling Milk
Boiling the milk as The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad instructed us.
Materials Needed: Raw Milk, Stovetop, Glass milk bottles, Olive oil or butter (optional), Water, Stainless steel pot or (double boiler).
1. Prepare your pot by filling the inside of the pot with cold water, tilt the pot in all directions making sure the water is coating each area of the pot and then pour the water out. This is said to keep the milk from sticking to the bottom of the pot when boiling. (Optional) Either lightly dip the tip of your finger in some olive oil and wipe your finger around the top of the inner rim of the pot or rub a little butter around the rim. This will help to keep the milk from boiling over.
2. Pour the raw milk into the pot and turn the heat to medium-high. Slowly increase the heat to high.
3. Stir the milk constantly. When the milk begins to boil continue stirring to ensure that the milk does not boil over.
4. Allow the milk to boil for 3 minutes. Remember, the longer milk is boiled the more nutrients may be destroyed.
5. That’s it, you’re done! Allow your milk to cool and them pour it in your glass bottles and store!